Supergroup previously known as “Rockstar” to which I designed a logo has now changed it’s name to ‘Project Rock’. Because of this I’ve been asked to make a new logo. At first we tried to create something different but we ended up with the same design as was with the previous name, which was a good decision ’cause it keeps the groups identity and brand recognizable. Although I must say I had some pretty darn good drafts and ideas for the past and the new logo. With that in mind I wanted to show off the logo evolution and all the mock-ups I did during the process – or should I say project…
Heres the evolution and some of the ideas I had for the logo of ‘Rockstar’. I started all with pretty polished feeling and some elegance added. The band wanted more grungy look so I needed to change my direction towards that.

Rockstar logo evolution
As you can see, lot of things changed. Towards the end I wanted to use slab serif type which I modified a bit. It fitted perfectly IMO.
Then it was time re-create the logo to match up with a brand new name ‘Project Rock’. I have no idea about the reason of name change but it was not my headache at all. At first I did several ideas (with less than three hours so it was total doodling and brainstorming) and send them to the band. After that we commented and threw ideas to each others and came to conclusion the logo needed to look the same, just with new name in it. Smart move even though I really liked some of my new ideas. I might use them somewhere else in future.
Here’s the first result of my doodling work:

Project Rock logo ideas
After bands comments I pimped some of them. I gotta say I really liked these, especially the last one with the skull:

Project Rock logo ideas vol 2
And after that we came up with the idea to use the old one, which I wanted to do at the first place.

Project Rock logo design
I’m really waiting to catch this band live in my hometown’s festival Torin Rytmit June 10, 2013. Maybe then we can have a chat with the band about these logos along with many pints of beer.